
Wednesday 3 March 2021

How to make sushi

 Sushi Recipe

Sushi is a very popular dish, known around the world! This dish consists of fish, rice and vegetables. There are so many different flavours to choose from. We even add chicken to our sushi.

Your job is to watch the provided video and write out the recipe for it. Try make sure that you get all of the ingredients, as well as write out the steps that need to be taken to make it.



Short grain rice, water, sugar, salt, vinegar, pan, pot or rice cooker, 1 piece of kombu, mixing spoon, a bowl, seaweed and anything you want in your sushi. 

First we will have to make sushi rice to make sushi. You’ll have to rinse it, cook it then season it. 

  1. Get any sort of rice but short grain rice is better.

  2. Only 3 cups of rice. Get a pot and put 3 cups of the rice that you chose

  3. As you see there is gonna be some dust on your rice so we gotta rinse it and wash it.

  4. Most important is the first touch, real quick. 

  5. Rinse water in the pot of rice.

  6. Wash a little bit. You’ll see that the water is turning white.

  7. Keep on washing the rice until the water is clear.

  8.  If you have a rice cooker then cook the rice but most of you at home don't have one so put the rice in a booking pot then put it on a stove.

  9. Pour 3 small cups of water in the cooking pot.

  10. Put the stove on medium or high. If it gets bubbly then low it down to low. Wait for 15 minutes.

  11. After 15 minutes get all of the heat down.

Next we are going to make seasoned vinegar.

  1. Get a pan and put it on the stove then move the heat to low heat

  2. Put/Pour rice vinegar, sugar,

salt and put one piece of kombu on the pan.

  1. Don’t burn it, just mix everything up. Melt the sugar and salt.

After that put the seasoned vinegar in your small cup. Make sure it's only ¼ of the cup. Mix it until the vinegar is gone.

Finally we are going to make sushi

  1.   Shape it as an oval. Bigger than a lemon but smaller than a tennis ball.

  2. Get a seaweed and put the rice that was shaped as an oval in the middle of the seaweed .

  3. Spread the rice on the seaweed carefully and gracefully.

  4. Now put anything that you want in your sushi.

  5. After putting your ??? in  your sushi, roll the sushi up.

  6. After rolling it up, get a bamboo mat ( a japanese object that is used for making sushi) and put it on your sushi. Squeeze and press softly on your sushi.

That's the end of the instructions. Bon appetit or Dōzo omeshiagarikudasai.

Would you like to make this meal? Why/ why not?

→I wanted to because so many people that I know love sushi.

Would you like to try this meal? Why/why not?

→I don't think I have the rest of the ingredients. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mary

    Thank you for sharing the recipe and instructions for how to make sushi. Sushi is so delicious isn't it! What's your favourite ingredient in sushi? I like salmon and avocado. Keep up the great work.


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