
Thursday 4 March 2021

Our trip to France


WALT: use descriptive and powerful language.

Today we are looking at the European countries. Europe has such a rich history, and their countries are so beautiful. Some countries even have buildings, statues and landmarks that have lasted well over hundreds of years.

Your job is to choose a photo, and then use your senses and imagination to write a story about you and your family visiting there.


Which country am I doing?






Me and my family

We went to the eiffel tower

We went there when we landed

Eiffel tower

Bronze: 2 paragraphs

Silver: 3 paragraphs

Gold: 4+ paragraphs


Start your writing here:

→Me and my family decided to go to France for a vacation. I was so excited and thrilled when my parents said that. On the next day we started to pack a lot of stuff like shampoo, hats, clothes, accessories and more stuff. When it was the day to leave we took all the stuff and brought food as well.

After the plane ride

When we got off the plane we took our stuff from the airport and called a taxi. We went to one of the hotels and put our stuff on the ground. We put the clothes in the closets and chose our  beds. After all that we changed and put sunscreen on. We took our devices and called for another taxi.

In the taxi my tummy was rumbling so my mum told the taxi driver to go to a restaurant that is near the eiffel tower. We ate pasta and spaghetti with meatballs. After we ate we walked to the eiffel tower and there were more than 100 people there!

We took our devices out and started taking photos and videos. We posted the videos and photos on facebook. Me and my little brother didn’t post it on facebook because we don’t have facebook and wanted to save the photos and videos for memories.

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